The State of Headgear Research for Women’s Lacrosse

Key Slides in this Headgear Presentation

  1. Time: 10:00 - "The Effects of..."
    Purpose of the Study: To answer 2 main questions -
    with the use of headgear:
    • Do the number of impacts and the magnitude of impacts decrease?
    • Does the game change?
  2. Time: 21:00 - "Conclusions"
    • Answer to 1st question
    • Answer to 2nd question

Then, what are we talking about?

The time has come for US Lacrosse to mandate headgear

To this point, also 2 more slides can help - at 15:00 - "Key Findings" and 16:00 - "Key Findings" - both show the results with the same conclusion. 

Other important slides:

  1. Time: 12:00 - "Methods"
    Sensors and cameras were used
  2. Time: 18:00 - "Beliefs about Headgear"
    Shows the uphill battle that girls don't want to wear unless mandated. The NFL, NHL, bike riding, skiing for example have gone through similar resistance to change.